ECDL/ICDL 4 Module 3: Word Processing - Formatting and Editing in Word 2003

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

To demonstrate how to use mail merge and automated formatting and editing features in Word 2003. Note: the exercise items included with this ECDL-approved training are not ECDL certification tests. See for further details.

Target Audience
End users wanting to attain competency in using a word-processing application; end users wanting to attain competency in using Microsoft Word 2003; end users wanting to attain an ECDL or ICDL certification or equivalent; staff of businesses and public bodies needing to attain certification in computer proficiency; university or other students needing to attain a basic IT qualification; staff of public bodies or organizations seeking to reskill themselves for the technology-based workplace; staff at universities, schools, or other training centers teaching computer literacy skills

Familiarity with basic IT concepts; familiarity with the Windows XP operating system

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

ECDL/ICDL 4 Module 3: Word Processing - Formatting and Editing in Word 2003

  • use style options to format text.
  • use the AutoCorrect features to correct errors, configure Word to recognize common errors and exceptions, and automate the completion and formatting of text.
  • use templates and wizards to create and format documents.
  • apply, find, and modify styles, modify the AutoCorrect settings, and create a document from a template.
  • create a formal letter in Word 2003 and save it to a specific folder.
  • use mail merge in Word 2003.
  • perform a mail merge in Word 2003.
  • Course Number: