To demonstrate how to build applets and place them on web pages
Target Audience
Programmers with an understanding of procedural programming concepts who want to learn Java and object-oriented programming; programmers proficient in another object-oriented programming language who want to move to Java; programmers experienced in the Java language who want to take the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 exam
Knowledge of programming principles and experience in procedural programming or scripting languages, such as Visual Basic, C, or JavaScript; understanding of object-oriented languages, such as C++ or C#, is an advantage
identify the code required to create and initialize an applet for a given scenario.
embed an applet in a web page using the APPLET tag, customize an applet in a web page using the PARAM tag, and convert applet tags using the HTML converter tool.
specify the code required to create and deploy a Java applet.
associate the features of the applet security model with the functions they provide and identify the restrictions that it imposes on applets.
specify the code required to play sound files and display images, documents, and status information in a given applet.
specify the code required to support applet persistence, locate applets for communication, and access JApplet panes for a given scenario.
locate applets for communication, add an audio clip to an applet, and display status information in an applet.