Crafting a Deal: Replaced

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

This content is replaced by the course "Crafting Deals" , Course ID: comm_08_a01_bs_enus "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." Could Francis Bacon possibly have been wondering about how to make the most out of his dealings with other people when he wrote those words? Do you ever wonder about your own ability to create opportunities for yourself? Think of something that you really wanted in the past. It could be anything--a promotion at your workplace, a new car, or maybe winning an argument. Recall the situation. How did you approach it? Were you confident about winning? Was the outcome what you wanted? So often, situations don't turn out in the desired way. In this course, you will explore ways to gain clarity and conviction about what you want and why you want it, as well as how to create opportunities to get it. You'll have a chance to assess your values and beliefs about negotiating and examine how negotiating opportunities are connected to personal and professional growth and well-being.

Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, team members, and other experienced business professionals

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Negotiating Basics

  • recognize the value of negotiation in personal and professional development.
  • identify the characteristics of negotiation.
  • select the steps for assessing whether or not to negotiate.
  • differentiate between the signs of negotiable and manipulative behavior.
  • Negotiating for Life

  • recognize the importance of self-assessment prior to engaging in negotiation.
  • identify the values and beliefs that promote successful negotiation.
  • select the steps for planning primary and alternative goals.
  • match motivational factors with behaviors.
  • Gray Matters

  • recognize the importance of developing multiple perspectives.
  • select the ways to separate personalities from problems.
  • choose ways to pinpoint interests.
  • differentiate between the facts and fiction of win-win negotiating.
  • On Your Honor

  • recognize the benefits of being guided by an individual code of ethics.
  • identify the advantages of developing a personal code of honor for use as a negotiation guide.
  • categorize the areas of ethical reasoning.
  • match the range of unethical tactics with behavioral descriptions.
  • Course Number: