Doing Business on the Internet - RETIRED

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

The use of the Internet as a means of doing business has changed the way in which business transactions can take place forever. Business can be conducted across vast geographical distances with a much greater degree of ease than was possible even twenty years ago. However, while advancements in technology have enabled the development of new business models, the impact of these changes on issues related to the protection of personal and business information has been immense. Protecting personal information regarding customers, while still ensuring that detailed customer records are kept, is a difficulty faced by almost all companies that engage in Internet-based commercial activity. Regulation of the digital marketplace is very difficult to achieve and currently, in the United States, much legislation on this area is pending but not yet enacted. The main areas requiring regulation are issues related to Internet advertising, the protection of intellectual property rights, and protection of individuals' private information. In this course, you will learn about how the digital economy operates. You will explore the functionality of emerging Internet business models, the importance of Internet security and trust issues, and the legal issues surrounding doing business over the Internet. This SkillSoft course has been developed and maintained with subject matter support provided by the Labor, Employment, and Employee Benefits Law Group of the law firm of Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green PA.

Target Audience
Managers and employees in all commercial and government organizations who are involved in conducting transactions over the Internet

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

The Digital Economy

  • identify the features of the Internet that enable it to be used as a means of doing business.
  • recognize when customers doing business on the Internet are vulnerable to an invasion of their privacy.
  • identify the benefits of doing business over the Internet using the Business-to-Business (B2B) business model.
  • recognize the most suitable hub and exchange model to use in a given scenario.
  • identify the factors that e-business trust is based on.
  • identify how to prevent security risks while doing business over the Internet.
  • recognize whether or not valid electronic signatures are used in given scenarios.
  • Legal Issues in Internet Advertising

  • identify what information is provided to customers who provide personal data to e-businesses.
  • identify FTC guidelines for regulating advertising and transactional processes on the Internet.
  • recognize whether intellectual property concerns are raised by e-business practices in given scenarios.
  • identify provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
  • recognize examples of how e-business uses customer information.
  • identify the elements that should be part of a plan to protect consumers' privacy.
  • recognize the benefits of privacy protection measures for individuals conducting business over the Internet.
  • Course Number: