Leading Change from the Front Line

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

Have you ever wanted something at work to change, but no one ever addressed the issue, so you just put up with it? Maybe you didn't bring it up because you thought you were the only person who didn't like it. Maybe you didn't want to make a fool of yourself by making it an issue. Or maybe you thought your boss would be irritated if you mentioned it. If any of this sounds familiar, this course is designed to help you. It suggests how you can compare your fears of negative outcomes against the potential gains of making a change. It explains the ways you can find out if others want the change, too, so that you know ahead of time what kind of resistance your idea will face. It even offers suggestions for making office politics work for you when you make suggestions. Finally, it gives you ideas on how to build a strong, positive reputation that will stand you in good stead with management.

Target Audience
Employees on the front line; anyone interested in developing leadership skills

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

The Dynamics of Change

  • recognize the benefits of leading change in the workplace.
  • classify the four elements of change according to the described business example.
  • determine the appropriate steps for leading change, given a scenario.
  • identify ways to enlist help from the key people in the change process.
  • Taking Risks to Facilitate Change

  • recognize the importance of confronting and overcoming fears of taking risks .
  • identify the risks of initiating change in the workplace.
  • select methods to decide if the risks described in a business scenario are worth taking.
  • identify the missing steps for facing a fear in given business scenarios.
  • Swimming with the Sharks: Surviving Office Politics

  • recognize the benefits of bringing strong ethics into the workplace political arena.
  • choose the steps for becoming an ethical politician.
  • identify the ways front-line employees can positively affect the political environment.
  • choose the effective ways of weathering a political situation.
  • Winning Management's Respect

  • recognize the importance of earning the respect of management.
  • differentiate between the self-perceived image and the image others perceive.
  • select the ways to establish a history of success.
  • determine the ways to show respect for management based on the RESPECT model.
  • Course Number: