Facilitative Fundamentals: Techniques and Tools - Replaced

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

This content is replaced by the course "Facilitative Fundamentals: Tools and Techniques", Course ID: mgmt_08_a02_bs_enus You're heading into a room full of people coming at a problem from totally different perspectives. What techniques and tools will you use to create the synergy necessary to complete your mission? What do you need to get started? This second course in "The Successful Facilitator" series provides you with tips and techniques that will help you become a successful facilitator. You will learn to recognize communication style differences. Learning techniques, like paraphrasing and mirroring, will give you ways to clarify and reinforce what you're hearing and make sure everyone in the group is hearing the same thing. Once you've explored the various means of communicating, it's time to take on the challenges of facilitating getting everyone to speak openly and honestly, in an organized manner that is clear and respectful of the other participants. And, don't forget to listen for the things participants are not saying. You will also discover techniques to help with the ever-challenging task of timing activities, preparing effective agendas and handling long lists of information.

Target Audience
Managers, team leaders, or anyone who will conduct/lead meetings or workgroups.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Facilitative Listening Skills

  • recognize the benefits of effective facilitative listening.
  • identify the impacts and characteristics of diverse communication styles.
  • apply facilitative listening techniques to reinforce understanding and clarify what someone else is saying in a given scenario.
  • apply the methods to effectively encourage under-active participants, in a given conversation .
  • identify the benefits of helping groups with opposing views find common ground.
  • Gathering Diverse Points of View

  • recognize the value of collecting perspectives to generate ideas and resolve difficult issues.
  • apply the steps to effectively gather different perspectives during a given meeting.
  • identify methods to help participants generate ideas that can be refined through further discussion.
  • define three activities that enable groups to discuss difficult issues without anyone feeling singled out.
  • Fostering Freedom of Speech

  • recognize the benefits of facilitating organized and courteous open discussions.
  • apply stacking techniques to facilitate group discussion, in a given scenario.
  • apply facilitative techniques to promote the individual expression of ideas by others in a given scenario.
  • apply the techniques to effectively directed a group's focus, in a given scenario.
  • apply facilitative techniques to ensure that a given meeting is balanced.
  • Facilitative Time Management

  • recognize the critical importance of strategies for setting and maintaining the pace of various types of meetings and work groups.
  • identify guidelines for determining how much time an activity will take a group to complete.
  • identify the characteristics of adaptable agenda planning.
  • identify the challenges involved in categorizing long lists.
  • Course Number: