Getting the Details Right: Spelling Basics

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Spelling errors are all too common, and are one of the main culprits behind poor business writing. A wrong letter here, an extra letter there, and your reader may lose confidence in your communication skills and overall competence as a professional. That’s why writing well doesn’t just mean writing persuasively – it also means knowing the rules, as well as the exceptions, of spelling. In this course, you’ll learn how to spell words with prefixes and suffixes, and how to form the plural and possessive forms of words. You’ll also learn general rules on how to spell correctly, as well as some handy tips for better writing in general.

Target Audience
Anyone who wants to refresh or refine their basic business grammar skills for any kind of business writing, from e-mail and memos to reports and presentations


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Getting the Details Right: Spelling Basics

  • identify the meaning and function of prefixes and suffixes in given words
  • recognize the correct way to spell words with prefixes
  • recognize the correct application of spelling rules for words with suffixes
  • recognize the correct plural form of given nouns
  • identify examples of words that follow the rules for forming possessives
  • recognize the correct application of spelling rules for given words
  • recognize the correct way to spell given words
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level