Working Well with Others

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


At some point, all of us will encounter competing personalities at work, all vying to get things done their own way. Interpersonal differences and personal perspectives, whether with a manager or a colleague, can increase stress, drain energy, impact morale, and affect productivity and happiness. But there are strategies for mitigating tension and building stronger, more trusting relationships, such as adjusting our own behavior and understanding the situations and behavior of others that can challenge us. In this course, you'll learn how to assess, identify, and manage your own behavioral style to help you avoid and control conflict before it happens. You’ll also investigate how to handle common situations that provoke conflict at work, how to work effectively with different personality types, and how to build habits to help you handle interpersonal conflict in the workplace with grace and patience.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Working Well with Others

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize techniques to manage your own behavior to avoid interpersonal conflict at work
  • identify strategies to help resolve common situations that provoke conflict at work
  • Knowledge Check: Assessing Your Skills in Resolving Conflict
  • recognize approaches to work effectively with different personality types
  • choose effective strategies to manage interpersonal conflict in the workplace
  • Knowledge Check: Applying Your Conflict Management Skills
  • reflect on what you've learned
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level