Managing and Supporting Employee Wellness

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Work is important on many levels. A job your employees enjoy and find meaningful can also affect their physical and emotional health. On a strictly business level, organizations benefit when employees are happy and healthy at work because workplace wellness leads to increases in productivity and creativity, a greater focus on safety and retention, and decreases in nonattendance. In this course, you’ll discover the impact of work on three major areas of work life and how facets of wellness programs can help support your employees in those areas. You’ll come to recognize symptoms of stress and burnout in your people and discover methods you can use to help them balance the demands of work and private life. Additionally, you’ll learn approaches to employee wellness that connect all the important areas of health.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Managing and Supporting Employee Wellness

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • identify three key elements that support employee wellness in the workplace
  • recognize holistic approaches to employee programs that align all important areas of wellness
  • Knowledge Check: Reviewing Your Skills in Identifying Wellness Areas
  • identify ways managers can proactively monitor for employee strain and pressure
  • identify techniques to help employees balance the demands of work and private life
  • Knowledge Check: Applying Your Skills in Supporting Empoyee Wellness
  • reflect on what you've learned
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level