Using Business Etiquette to Increase Your Professionalism

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Business etiquette isn’t just about getting and doing things right, it’s about sending a message of professionalism and respect to superiors, fellow team members, and clients. When you are professional, polite, and appropriate in the workplace, you are taken more seriously. In this course, you will learn about the key components of business etiquette and how they apply in physical and remote office settings. You’ll learn the reasons that dressing professionally can benefit your career and the importance of maintaining an orderly and professional work environment. You’ll also be introduced to actions that ensure your communications such as emails, texts, work chat, social media, and video conferencing are at their most professional and polite. Finally, you will learn how tenets of business etiquette can be applied outside of the office environment at offsite events, business meals, and work socials.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Using Business Etiquette to Increase Your Professionalism

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize key components of business etiquette
  • identify strategies to use business etiquette to demonstrate professionalism
  • Knowledge Check: Reviewing Your Skills in Business Etiquette
  • identify best practices for using business etiquette in verbal communications
  • identify strategies for ensuring professionalism in written business communications
  • recognize guidelines for professional conduct outside the office
  • Knowledge Check: Assessing Your Skills Using Etiquette to Communicate
  • reflect on what you've learned
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level