Presenting Successfully

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

There are a number of basic types of presentations, but all presentations have four things in common: a presenter, an audience, a venue, and a message. This course concentrates on showing how each of these vital elements has to be taken into account when preparing a presentation. Presenting is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced, starting with how you prepare, and you will be shown a simple but powerful method for selecting the right content, and then structuring it. Controlling nerves is an important part of preparing, and this course helps you to remove anxieties in the presentation environment by making sure that the venue is set up correctly, and ensuring that you rehearse appropriately.

Target Audience
Anyone in an organization who needs the skills to inform, persuade and convince colleagues or clients by means of presentations


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Presenting Successfully

  • recognize the benefits of understanding the basics of presenting.
  • choose which types of presentations to use for five hypothetical audiences.
  • analyze the effectiveness of a speaker in a given scenario.
  • identify the features of the venue, audience, and time of day that will aid audience concentration during presentations.
  • recognize the benefits of efficient presentation preparation.
  • apply a model for preparing content in a given presentation scenario.
  • choose the appropriate methods to organize presentation notes in a given scenario.
  • recognize the benefits of being able to control anxiety and the presentation environment.
  • match irrational presentation fears with the appropriate rational responses.
  • determine how far anxiety-control techniques have been used in a scenario
  • apply the appropriate rehearsal techniques to a given presentation situation.
  • determine how effectively a given speaker controlled his or her presentation environment.
  • Course Number: