Interpersonal Communication: Communicating with Confidence

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

Are you unwilling to express your opinions to your colleagues for fear that they'll be judged negatively? Do you find yourself avoiding uncomfortable communication situations? Confident interpersonal communication skills are essential for healthy and successful relationships, whether personal or professional. Once you've learned how to apply them, these skills enhance your influence and help you to achieve your goals. Communicators have an enormous advantage if their relationships are based on rapport-building trust and credibility. But, trust and credibility are not the only essentials. You also need to use specific communication behaviours to convey confidence in all your verbal and nonverbal interactions. The course shows you how the essential elements of trust, credibility and specific confident communication behaviours bring about confident communication and enhance your influence. It highlights the advantages of communicating with confidence, explores the construction of trust and credibility and clarifies how trust and credibility result in confident communications.

Target Audience
Individuals who want to develop or refresh their interpersonal communication skills

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Interpersonal Communication: Communicating with Confidence

  • identify expressions of the essential elements of confident communication
  • recognise how trust and credibility enhance confidence in interpersonal communication
  • recognise the use and effect of confident communication behaviours in a given communication situation
  • Course Number: