IBM Verse 2016: Contact & Chat Tools

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

You can organize your contacts in IBM Verse and use the chat tool to collaborate with them. Discover how to use the contacts section to create, import, and manage your contacts, and how to configure and use the chat function.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

IBM Verse 2016: Contact & Chat Tools

  • edit your profile and change your password in IBM Verse
  • navigate the IBM Verse application interface
  • import and create contacts in IBM Verse
  • manage your contacts in IBM Verse
  • create a mailing list in IBM Verse
  • use the instant message chat function in IBM Verse
  • chat with contacts in IBM Verse
  • chat with multiple contacts in IBM Verse
  • configure the IBM Verse chat messenger
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level