Overview/Description Expected Duration Course Number Overview/Description
The word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications offered by OpenOffice are beneficial for the majority of users not only because they are freeware, but also because they have a range of tools to achieve tasks that are relevant to most users. The Office applications that are part of OpenOffice 3.0 are much more enhanced and also include new features that are useful to achieve more tasks. This course is meant for users who have been using OpenOffice 2.4.2 or earlier, and now want to benefit from the new features in OpenOffice 3.0. On completion of this course, users will be able to identify the interface level changes and new features in applications such as OpenOffice Writer 3.0, OpenOffice Calc 3.0, OpenOffice Impress 3.0, and so on, thus enabling a smooth transition from OpenOffice 2.4.2 to OpenOffice 3.0.