Pandemic Flu Awareness - UK (Update Available)

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

In November 2011, the Department for Health (DH) estimated that if pandemic flu was to hit the UK, up to 750,000 people could possibly die. This was based on models from past pandemics – the Spanish Flu (1918), the Asian Flu (1957) and the Hong Kong Flu (1968). The government further estimates that up to 50% of the workforce could be absent from work at the height of a pandemic wave. The potential impact on the social and economic infrastructure is enormous. To address this, the government has released a response plan called the 'UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy (updated June 2014)', referred to as 'the Strategy'. The Strategy proposes a 'Whole of Society' preparedness approach. Guidance for businesses in the eventuality of a flu pandemic has also been produced by the DH, which explains how businesses can help to reduce the spread of flu. It isn't too early to start planning how you and your organisation will respond to the very real threat of a flu pandemic. In fact, there could be a point when it is too late. This course is designed to increase awareness of the pandemic threat the flu poses and to provide information that can be used to form the basis of preparedness and prevention for your organisation. This course also includes the information based on the reviews of the responses to the H1N1 (swine) flu pandemic which officially ended on 10th August 2010 according to the World Health Organisation. This course was edited and updated by New Level Safety Limited a professional services company specialising in corporate health and safety management. Please note, the course materials and content were current with the laws and regulations at the time of the last expert review, however, they may not reflect the most current legal developments. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any particular situation with respect to compliance with legal statutes or requirements.

Target Audience
All employees, supervisors and managers

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Pandemic Flu Awareness - UK (Update Available)

  • recognise key differences between pandemic flu and regular seasonal flu
  • identify key facts associated with swine and bird flu
  • recognise key concepts associated with the flu in humans
  • identify the factors that influence the speed with which the flu could become pandemic
  • identify the types of nonpharmaceutical interventions that may be used to limit or prevent the spread of flu
  • identify key concepts associated with pharmaceutical interventions used to limit or prevent the spread of flu
  • identify key concepts associated with actions the UK government is taking to track and prevent the spread of the flu
  • match the categories of hazard controls suggested by the Health and Safety Executive with examples
  • recognise examples of considerations for inclusion in a personal pandemic preparedness plan
  • Course Number: