Cash Flow Management Essentials for Non-financial Professionals
Overview/Description Target Audience Expected Duration Lesson Objectives Course Number Overview/Description
Cash flow management involves monitoring, analyzing, and adjusting your business's cash flows to maintain a steady flow of cash available for your activities when needed. Sustaining working capital while managing the flow of cash is often a challenge with many businesses. Sale of goods and services results in cash coming in, while paying bills, taxes, dividends, and the repayment of loans result in cash going out. This course provides some insights into managing cash flow in your area of operation. You are guided through the classification of cash flow into operating, investing, and financing activities. You are then introduced to the idea of the Total Business Float with help of a case-based example and how to recognize the implications of working capital on cash flow. Finally, some strategies for sound cash flow management are also presented.
Target Audience
Non-financial professionals who wish to gain understanding or refresh their knowledge of finance and accounting