The Guiding Principles of the Service Value System and Continual Improvement Model

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


ITIL has guiding principles of the service value system (SVS). In this course, you'll discover the seven guiding principles. Then, you'll learn about the continual improvement model and its seven steps. First, you'll explore the questions what is the vision?, where are we now?, where do we want to be?, and how do we get there? Then you'll learn about the step take action. Finally, you'll discover the steps that ask the questions did we get there? and how do we keep the momentum going? This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK). 

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

The Guiding Principles of the Service Value System and Continual Improvement Model

  • discuss the seven guiding principles of the service value system (SVS) and their purpose
  • describe the first guiding principle of the service value system (SVS), focus on value
  • describe the second guiding principle of the service value system (SVS), start where you are
  • discuss the third guiding principle of the service value system (SVS), progress iteratively with feedback
  • describe the fourth guiding principle of the service value system (SVS), collaborate and promote visibility
  • discuss the fifth guiding principle of the service value system (SVS), think and work holistically
  • describe the sixth guiding principle of the service value system (SVS), keep it simple and practical
  • discuss the seventh guiding principle of the service value system (SVS), optimize and automate
  • discuss the continual improvement model used by ITIL
  • describe the first step of the continual improvement model, what is the vision?
  • describe the second step of the continual improvement model, where are we now?
  • describe the third step of the continual improvement model, where do we want to be?
  • describe the fourth step of the continual improvement model, how do we get there?
  • describe the fifth step of the continual improvement model, take action
  • describe the sixth step of the continual improvement model, did we get there?
  • describe the seventh step of the continual improvement model, how do we keep the momentum?
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level