JavaScript: Objects

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Javascript is an object-oriented language, making objects a crucial topic for any Javascript course. In this 14-video course, learners explore object definitions to object methods and constructors while learning what a "class" is in Javascript. Key concepts covered here include how to create objects containing different types of data and functions and access their properties; and how to initialize empty objects and add/remove properties to/from them. Begin by learning the role of keyword "this" within the scope of Javascript objects; how to use the call method to link a Javascript object; and how to implement an object constructor and use it to instantiate new objects. Next, observe how to use assignment operators and Object.assign method to create new objects; how to use spread syntax and the JSON; and how to prevent changes from being made to an object by freezing it. Finally, learners see how to perform aggregate and filter operations on contents of an array with reduce and filter methods; and check the type of an object by using the instanceof operator.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

JavaScript: Objects

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • create objects containing different types of data and functions, and access their properties
  • initialize an empty object and add/remove properties to/from that object
  • recognize the role of the "this" keyword within the scope of a JavaScript object
  • use the call method to link a JavaScript object to a function call
  • implement an object constructor and use it to instantiate new objects
  • use the assignment operator and the Object.assign() method to create new objects
  • use the spread syntax and the JSON object to create new objects
  • identify a number of object methods to access the keys and values of an object
  • prevent changes from being made to an object by freezing it
  • create a new array by performing an operation on the elements on an existing one using the map() method
  • perform aggregate and filter operations on the contents of an array using the reduce() and filter() methods
  • check the type of an object using the instanceOf operator
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level