JavaScript: Working with the DOM & Events

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Explore different features available in Javascript to manipulate elements of a web page by using its Document Object Model (DOM) structure and how Javascript interacts with a browser by using the Browser Object Model (BOM). In this 13-video course, key concepts covered include how to use the document object to retrieve individual elements of a web page and access their values and properties; how to alter web page contents by modifying a DOM; and how to retrieve children of elements of a web page as an array. Begin by observing how to write a function to generate an animation; how to define event listeners and handlers for clicks on web page buttons; and how to create handlers for events of users by clicking on buttons. Next, learners observe how to use handlers for mouse events on web page elements; how to use the screen, window, and navigator objects of BOM to get information about the end-user's environment; and how to use the window object to interact with the end-user's browser.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

JavaScript: Working with the DOM & Events

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • use the document object to retrieve individual elements of your web page and access their values and properties
  • alter the contents of a web page by modifying its DOM
  • retrieve the children of elements of your web page as an array
  • insert new elements into your web page by adding nodes to the DOM structure
  • delete or replace existing nodes in the DOM of your web page
  • write a function to generate an animation by periodically updating the DOM of your web page
  • define event listeners and handlers for clicks on a web page button
  • create handlers for the events of users clicking on a button and for modifying the contents of a text box
  • define handlers for mouse events on elements of your web page
  • use the screen, window, and navigator objects of the BOM to get information about the end user's environment
  • use the window object to interact with the end user's browser
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level