MySQL: Grouping & Aggregation Operations

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Learners can explore how to use grouping and aggregation operators to analyze groups of rows rather than just individual rows, in this 8-video course. In it you will learn how to perform filtering operations on groups of rows. Then examine the GROUP BY clause, one of the most important syntactic constructs in SQL. You will learn how to use the GROUP BY clause to analyze groups of rows aggregated by common attribute values. Next, learn about aggregate functions such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, and MAX, and how they are used with GROUP BY clauses. You will learn how subqueries can be leveraged by using the ANY, SOME, and ALL keywords. You will learn how to implement multi-way joins in MySQL, and how the HAVING clause adds to the effectiveness of the GROUP BY construct by allowing groups of rows to be filtered based on specific conditions. Finally, this course explains the differences between the WHERE clause and the HAVING clause, which applies conditional filters to groups of rows rather than to individual rows.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

MySQL: Grouping & Aggregation Operations

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • prepare a small but meaningful relation that can be used to work with data aggregation operators
  • use the DISTINCT keyword as well as the GROUP BY clause to identify duplicates and cardinality
  • use the GROUP BY clause with important common aggregation functions such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX
  • use the HAVING keyword along with the GROUP BY clause to apply filters to aggregates
  • use the SOME, ALL, and ANY keywords to link subqueries to outer queries
  • implement joins with more than two relations in MySQL
  • Course Summary
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level