Selenium Deep Dive: Database & Log Management in Selenium Testing

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


To become proficient in automated testing using Selenium as your primary software product, you'll need to be able to manage databases and logs.

In this course, you'll explore the role of database and log management in functional test automation, the use of EventListener and EventFiringWebDriver, the various log levels that can be used in Selenium Python, and the exceptions that can be raised when automating functional test cases.

Next, you'll learn how to use Listeners to track before and after statuses of click events, databases to define and store test data, and Python Imaging Library to crop elements out of web pages. Next, you'll manage nested iframes in Selenium Python and cookies storing session-specific data. Finally, you'll explore the concept of logging and learn to manage logs and prepare audit trails.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Selenium Deep Dive: Database & Log Management in Selenium Testing

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recall the role of database and log management in functional test automation
  • describe the relevance of Selenium Python's EventListener and EventFiringWebDriver
  • demonstrate the use of Listener to track before and after statuses when a click event is fired on web components under test with Selenium Python
  • utilize databases to define and store test data and use it to automate functional testing with Selenium Python
  • use Selenium Python to write test scripts for managing cookies that store session-specific web application data
  • demonstrate the use of Python Imaging Library to crop elements out of web pages with Selenium Python
  • locate frames and manage nested iframes in Selenium Python
  • define the concept of logging and list the various log levels supported by Python and available to use in Selenium Python
  • write scripts using Selenium Python to manage logs and prepare audit trails during automated test execution
  • list the exceptions that can be raised while using Selenium Python to automate functional test cases
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level