Building Decentralized Applications for Ethereum: Building the Front End

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Delve into development of the front end of a decentralized application (dApp) for Ethereum. In this course, participants discover how to install the JavaScript libraries for React and Drizzle to enable construction of interactive web applications for Ethereum Blockchain solutions. In constructing the React app, learn how to code the top-level component for the Ethereum dApp, access properties, and make calls to functions in a deployed smart contract. Next, learn how to start the web application by initializing the React client for the Ethereum dApp. Invoke transactions from the web UI of an Ethereum dApp and use Ganache to view changes recorded on the blockchain network. Test your application's success by utilizing the web UI of an Ethereum dApp. Then create a new contract on the Ethereum network for a crowdfunding campaign and simulate a failed campaign to test the app. A concluding exercise retrieves a list of accounts and invokes contract functions from MetaMask using a Drizzle instance, after which you will describe how an Ethereum-enabled web app connects to a blockchain network via MetaMask.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Building Decentralized Applications for Ethereum: Building the Front End

  • identify the subject areas covered in this course
  • install the JavaScript libraries for React and Drizzle, which enable the building of interactive web applications for Ethereum
  • code the top-level component of the React client for the Ethereum dApp
  • access the properties of a deployed smart contract from a React client
  • make calls to functions in a deployed smart contract from a React client
  • initialize the React client for the Ethereum dApp
  • trigger transactions from the web UI of an Ethereum dApp and use Ganache to view the changes recorded on the blockchain network
  • use the web UI of an Ethereum dApp to test the success scenario of your application
  • create a new instance of the contract on the Ethereum network for a new crowdfunding campaign
  • simulate a failed crowdfunding campaign and ensure the app behaves as it is intended to
  • retrieve a list of accounts from Metamask using a Drizzle instance, invoke contract functions using a Drizzle instance, and describe how an Ethereum-enabled web app connects to a blockchain network via Metamask
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level