Building Decentralized Applications for Ethereum: Bespoke Ethereum Tokens

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Ethereum allows the use of customized tokens as currency in your Blockchain applications, as long as they comply with one of their standards. In this multiple-video course, you will explore how to define the fields and events for an Ethereum token and implement functions for the token in adherence with the ERC20 specifications. You will learn how to build, deploy, and instantiate a bespoke ERC20 token. In the first part of a two-part tutorial on testing the token operations, you will invoke transfer operation for an ERC20 token to pass tokens to another Ethereum account. In the second part, you will use the approve and transferFrom functions to enable and perform token transfers through a third party. In the concluding exercise, you will define Ethereum tokens by listing and describing two events that must be implemented in an ERC20 token and summarizing details of the transferFrom function for an ERC20 token.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Building Decentralized Applications for Ethereum: Bespoke Ethereum Tokens

  • identify the subject areas covered in this course
  • define the fields and events for an Ethereum token in adherence to the ERC20 standard
  • implement the functions for an Ethereum token that comply with the ERC20 specifications
  • build, deploy, and instantiate a bespoke ERC20 token
  • invoke the transfer operation for an ERC20 token to hand over tokens to another Ethereum account
  • use the approve and transferFrom functions to enable and perform token transfers through a third party
  • list and describe the two events that must be implemented in an ERC20 token and summarize the details of the transferFrom function for an ERC20 token
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level