AWS Professional Solutions Architect 2020: Name Resolution Solutions

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


This course examines all the services offered by Route 53, Amazon's scalable cloud DNS (Domain Name System) web service. The overall purpose of this service is to reduce the amount of time it takes for a client to connect to a resource. You learn will how to create a hosted zone and record set with simple routing policies, and then learn which specific Route 53 policy is best for your application. This course covers the use of AWS services to design and deploy applications to meet given requirements; migrate complex applications on AWS; design and deploy enterprise-wide scalable operations on AWS; and implement cost control strategies. You will see how Route 53 Multivalue Answer policies are similar to a round-robin DNS and learn to use the AWS Management Console to configure it. Finally, you will learn how weighted policies distribute traffic through DNS name resolution based on relative weight value. This course can be used in preparation for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect-Professional SAP-C01 certification exam.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

AWS Professional Solutions Architect 2020: Name Resolution Solutions

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • identify services offered through Route 53
  • create a hosted zone and record set with simple routing policies
  • determine when to use a specific type of Route 53 routing policy
  • recognize how multivalue answer policies are similar to traditional round robin DNS
  • recognize how weighted policies distribute traffic through DNS name resolution based on relative weight value between DNS records
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level