AZ-500 - Microsoft Azure Security Technologies: Database User Access

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


This 14-video course explores Azure database user access management, SQL threat detection, and how to enable SQL threat policies, while helping prepare learners for AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies certification exam. First, you will learn to use SQL and Azure AD (Active Directory) logins to authenticate Azure SQL deployments, and create SQL logins. You will learn how to use SQL Server Management Studio to connect to Azure SQL and how to enable RBAC (role-based access control) for Azure AD administration by  using the GUI (graphical user interface), CLI (command-line interface), and PowerShell. You will learn to configure the Azure SQL Firewall, and to configure custom keys for Azure SQL TDE (transparent data encryption). This course then demonstrates how to conduct a SQL vulnerability assessment to determine security shortcomings. You will examine Advanced Threat Detection, and how to configure threat detection settings at the Azure SQL Server level and at individual database level. Finally, learn to enable threat policies by using CLI and PowerShell.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

AZ-500 - Microsoft Azure Security Technologies: Database User Access

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • create SQL logins
  • set an Azure AD admin for SQL
  • connect to Azure SQL using Management Studio
  • use the GUI to enable RBAC for Azure AD administration
  • use the CLI to enable RBAC for Azure AD administration
  • use PowerShell to enable RBAC for Azure AD administration
  • configure the Azure SQL firewall
  • use PowerShell to configure custom keys for Azure SQL TDE
  • conduct a SQL vulnerability assessment
  • manage SQL threat detection
  • use the portal to configure SQL threat policies
  • use PowerShell to enable threat policies
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level