Analyzing Data Using Python: Analyzing Data Using Python: Filtering Data in Pandas

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Not all data is useful. Luckily, there are some powerful filtering operations available in pandas. The course begins with a detailed look at how loc and iloc can be used to access specific data from a DataFrame. You'll move on to filter data using the classic pandas lookup syntax and the pandas filter and query methods. You'll illustrate how the filter function accepts wildcards as well as regular expressions and use various methods such as the .isin method to filter data.

Furthermore, you'll filter data using either two pairs of square brackets - in which case the resulting subset is itself a DataFrame - or a single pair of square brackets, in which case the returned data takes the form of a Series. You'll drop rows and columns from a pandas DataFrame and see how rows can be filtered out of a DataFrame. Lastly, you'll identify a possible gotcha that arises when you drop rows in-place but neglect to reset the index labels in your object.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Analyzing Data Using Python: Analyzing Data Using Python: Filtering Data in Pandas

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • look up data using different techniques
  • apply the loc and iloc functions to access specific rows and columns
  • filter data using the loc, iloc, at, and iat functions
  • filter data using the loc, iloc, at, and iat functions
  • perform conditional filtering using the query function
  • parse and manipulate datetime values
  • select and drop specific columns
  • apply regular expressions and other advanced techniques to select and drop columns
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level