Infogram: Advanced Features

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Once you've learned how to set up a basic project in Infogram, there are several ways you can ensure the information in your infographic stands out. In this course, you'll work with Infogram's many advanced data visualization features. You'll start by using the bar race plot feature to animate bar charts that change over time. You'll then create candlestick charts to visualize variations in data over set periods and waterfall charts to convey the cumulative effect of positive and negative values. Next, you'll create dashboards to convey information using various visual elements, including a treemap, a series of line charts, a streamgraph, and a forecast line chart. Moving on, you'll use an infographic project type to convey several fun bits of information related to James Bond films. To do this, you'll use a Gantt chart, a line chart, and some animated components.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Infogram: Advanced Features

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • visualize the change in data over a period of time using an animated bar race
  • plot the OHLC of a stock for a number of days using a candlestick chart and also explore the integration of Infogram with Google Spreadsheets
  • create a waterfall chart to visualize the cumulative effect of positive and negative values when analyzing the financials of a company
  • create a treemap and a line chart that updates dynamically based on the selection from a set of tabs
  • define interactions in a dashboard involving a single selection which affects multiple line charts and a streamgraph
  • create a project with some caption texts and a Gantt chart plotting different stages in a timeline
  • add a line chart and an animated callout circle to an infographic
  • create a pie chart visualizing the proportion of categories adding up to a whole and add it and a GIF to an infographic
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level