Data Warehousing with Hadoop: Microsoft Analytics Platform System and Hive
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level
Explore the Microsoft Analytics Platform System and using Hive to manage data from a data warehouse perspective.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson ObjectivesData Warehousing with Hadoop: Microsoft Analytics Platform System and Hive
illustrate capabilities, features, and objectives of the Microsoft Analytics Platform System
specify how to manage data using PolyBase and the various essential benefits provided by PolyBase
identify the role of parallel data warehousing architecture in Microsoft Analytics Platform System
recall the various data exploration architectures that can be implemented using HDInsight and the Microsoft Analytics Platform System
describe the role of Hive as a data warehouse system for Hadoop
describe the architectural composition of Hive in HDInsight
set up the development environment for Hive using the Azure HDInsight tool for VSCode
connect and submit queries to HDInsight clusters using VSCode
specify the various clauses that can be used in Hive Query Language to manage objects and query data
work with Azure PowerShell and Beeline to execute Hive Query Language queries
create a database, tables, and load data to Hive tables from the Azure Blob Storage and SQL Servers
work with partition tables and manage Hive data formats
demonstrate how to install Hue and manage Hive queries from the Hue interface
demonstrate the approaches involved in retrieving Hive data and creating visualization on Power BI
work with HIVE as an ETL tool
compare HBase and Hive from the data modeling perspective
create a Hive table and load data from an external SQL Server
Course Number:it_dfdwha_02_enus
Expertise Level