MySQL Database Development: Stored Routines, Triggers, and the InnoDB memcached Plugin

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Stored programs (procedures) and routines (functions) in MySQL are used to create reusable, executable code. Explore the syntax and use of stored procedures and functions in MySQL

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

MySQL Database Development: Stored Routines, Triggers, and the InnoDB memcached Plugin

  • create and execute stored programs in MySQL
  • create and execute stored routines in MySQL
  • use the CREATE_TRIGGER and DROP_TRIGGER statements to create a new trigger or delete an existing trigger in MySQL
  • create and execute triggers in MySQL
  • use events in MySQL to schedule and run repetitive tasks in your database
  • recognize how the InnoDB memcached plugin fits in the overall architecture of MySQL and the function it serves
  • install and configure the InnoDB memcached plugin for use in MySQL
  • use triggers, events, and the InnoDB memcached plugin in MySQL databases
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level