Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions   

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Discover how to obtain summary information, such as averages, for groups of rows in SQL. Explore how to group rows in a table into smaller sets and how to specify search criteria for groups of rows.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions   

  • describe how to use group functions to return one result based on a set of rows in a SQL statement
  • use the AVG and SUM functions to group numeric data in a SQL statement
  • use the MIN and MAX functions to group numeric, character, and date data types in a SQL statement
  • use the COUNT and COUNT DISTINCT functions in a SQL statement
  • work with NULL values when grouping a set of rows in a SQL statement
  • create groups of data in a SQL statement
  • create groups of data and work with the GROUP BY clause in a SQL statement
  • use the GROUP BY clause on multiple columns in a SQL statement
  • demonstrate illegal queries when using the GROUP BY function in a SQL statement
  • use the HAVING clause to restrict grouped rows returned in a SQL statement
  • nest group functions to a depth of two functions in a SQL statement
  • write SQL statements using GROUP BY and HAVING
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level