The DevOps Deployment Pipeline: Implementing DevOps Principles Using Azure Pipelines

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Azure Pipelines is one of the major cloud platforms used by technical support engineers to create and manage pipelines. In this course, you'll explore the core features of Azure Pipelines and how to use them for continuous integration and delivery. You'll examine the environments that can be used to create deployment targets, the types of jobs that can be configured, the artifacts that can be utilized, and the Azure Pipelines ecosystem's components.

Additionally, you'll recognize the use of pull request validation triggers, identify how to debug and resolve Azure Pipeline execution issues, and learn to create VMs for continuous deployment implementation. Finally, you'll learn how to use Azure Pipelines to clone, export, and import pipelines as well as to build GitHub repositories and images containing Dockerfiles.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

The DevOps Deployment Pipeline: Implementing DevOps Principles Using Azure Pipelines

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe the core features and capabilities of Azure Pipelines and recognize how they're used to build and test code projects automatically
  • specify the different approaches to building pipelines powered by continuous integration and continuous delivery
  • identify the core concepts, essential terms, and integral pipeline elements associated with Azure Pipelines
  • define the concept of "jobs" in Azure Pipelines and classify the different types of jobs that can be configured
  • build a GitHub repository using Azure Pipelines
  • demonstrate the steps to clone, export, and import pipelines in the same project
  • add jobs of different types to build pipelines using the Classic interface
  • recognize the use of continuous integration and pull request validation triggers based on the type of repository that was built in Azure Pipelines
  • list the core components of the Azure Pipelines ecosystem that support diversified build and deploy pipeline phases
  • describe the features of the diverse types of environments that can be used to create deployment targets
  • create environments and use virtual machines to implement continuous deployment with Azure Pipelines
  • demonstrate how to use Azure Pipelines to build images for generic repositories containing Dockerfiles
  • identify the types of artifacts that can be used in Azure Pipelines and the various artifact publishing configuration methods
  • list the common issues that can occur during pipeline execution and the possible approaches to debugging and resolving these issues
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level