DevOps Support Administrator: DevOps Practices for Support Engineers

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


There are key DevOps practices that the support engineer may adopt to enable end-to-end DevOps management, including best practices, patterns, and workflows. In this course, you'll explore the role of metrics, monitoring, and alerting in managing the state of infrastructures and systems. You'll learn about the best practices for monitoring systems and infrastructures, as well as deployment patterns for building reusable applications and services. Next, you'll examine the benefits of automating configuration management and the continuous integration deployment workflow for DevOps workflows management. Finally, you'll learn to configure GitLab to implement continuous integration.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

DevOps Support Administrator: DevOps Practices for Support Engineers

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize the role metrics, monitoring, and alerting play in managing the state of infrastructures and systems to ensure the reliability and stability of services
  • list monitoring best practices that can help predict potential issues
  • recognize deployment patterns that should be adopted when building reusable applications and services
  • recognize the role of test automation in building a robust DevOps workflow
  • list the benefits of implementing automated configuration management and tools a support engineer can use to configure and enable automated configuration management
  • recognize the continuous integration deployment workflows that a support engineer can use to manage DevOps
  • configure GitLab to implement continuous integration deployment
  • list the challenges faced by support engineer teams when managing DevOps and CloudOps environments and implementations
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level