Final Exam: Software Architect

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Final Exam: Software Architect will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Software Architect track of the Skillsoft Aspire Developer to Software Architect Journey.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Final Exam: Software Architect

  • adopt pipelines in a Python app to send batches of Redis commands to a Redis server
  • compare list and set data structures and apply the Redis CLI commands that apply to sets
  • coordinate messaging between a collection of Redis clients by setting up a consumer group
  • create and update numeric data in Redis
  • create a new user using ACL commands
  • create a new user with a specific set of permissions using ACL commands
  • describe the properties of sorted sets and illustrate how they contrast with regular Redis sets
  • describe the steps involved in defining and executing transactions in Redis
  • describe the types of data that can be stored in Redis and the properties of the different data structures
  • describe the use cases of the Redis data store
  • detail the features of list structures in Redis and illustrate the types of operations that can be performed with them
  • detail the processes of client tracking and server-assisted client-side caching in Redis
  • detail the use cases of the Redis data store
  • distinguish between list and set data structures and apply the Redis CLI commands that apply to sets
  • download and install Redis on your machine
  • establish a master-slave relationship between a Redis server and its replica
  • explain how permissions can be applied to users using ACL categories
  • extract elements from Redis list individually
  • extract elements from Redis list individually or in bulk
  • identify the content and format of stream data structures in Redis and illustrate how to set up Redis streams
  • identify the features of list structures in Redis and illustrate the types of operations that can be performed with them
  • identify the processes of client tracking and server-assisted client-side caching in Redis
  • identify the properties of sorted sets and illustrate how they contrast with regular Redis sets
  • identify the types of data that can be stored in Redis and the properties of the different data structures
  • identify the use cases of the Redis data store
  • illustrate how permissions can be applied to users using ACL categories
  • illustrate the processes of client tracking and server-assisted client-side caching in Redis
  • illustrate the steps involved in defining and executing transactions in Redis
  • implement a subscription to multiple Pub/Sub channels that match a pattern
  • implement Pub/Sub in a Python app to subscribe to a messaging channel and retrieve messages
  • implement set operations such as union, intersection, and set difference on Redis sets
  • implement the built-in lock available in the python-redis-lock package to ensure thread-safe access to a shared Redis resource
  • implement the redis-py package to connect to a Redis server from a Python app
  • install and use Redis on your machine
  • install Redis on your machine
  • invoke create, read, update and delete operations from the Redis CLI
  • modify the elements in a sorted set
  • optimize mass insert operations in Redis by using the pipe mode feature of the Redis CLI
  • perform set operations such as union, intersection, and set difference on Redis sets
  • publish to Pub/Sub channels using the Redis CLI
  • read data from a Redis stream using the XREAD command
  • recognize how Redis supports connections via various clients
  • recognize the content and format of stream data structures in Redis and illustrate how to set up Redis streams
  • recognize the features of list structures in Redis and illustrate the types of operations that can be performed with them
  • remove and modify the elements in a sorted set
  • retrieve data from a Redis stream using the XREAD command
  • set up a duplicate copy of a Redis server as a precursor to creating a replica
  • set up a master-slave relationship between a Redis server and its replica
  • set up a subscription to multiple Pub/Sub channels that match a pattern
  • subscribe to Pub/Sub channels using the Redis CLI
  • update numeric data in Redis
  • use ACL commands to create a new user with a specific set of permissions
  • use a duplicate copy of a Redis server as a precursor to creating a replica
  • use mass insert operations in Redis by using the pipe mode feature of the Redis CLI
  • use pipelines in a Python app to send batches of Redis commands to a Redis server
  • use Pub/Sub in a Python app to subscribe to a messaging channel and retrieve messages
  • use the built-in lock available in the python-redis-lock package to ensure thread-safe access to a shared Redis resource
  • use the Redis hash structure to extract data in the form of a map
  • use the Redis hash structure to store and extract data in the form of a map
  • use the redis-py package to connect to a Redis server from a Python app
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level