Final Exam: Enterprise Deveoper - DevOps

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Final Exam: Enterprise Developer - DevOps will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Enterprise Developer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Enterprise Developer to DevOps Engineer Journey.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Final Exam: Enterprise Deveoper - DevOps

  • automate release management using Puppet pipelines
  • define DevOps and its principles, including the principles of flow, feedback, and continual experimentation
  • define DevSecOps and illustrate a typical DevOps and DevSecOps workflow
  • define the key principles of DevOps
  • demonstrate how to implement automated testing from the perspective of functional and load testing
  • demonstrate how to version and control source codes using Git
  • describe adoption approaches for failure prevention and the fail fast approach
  • describe fail fast as a DevOps principle and illustrate the role of the feedback cycle
  • describe the approach of designing DevOps strategies that enumerate plans from transformation to implementation
  • describe the benefits associated with the adoption of integrated approaches of DevOps, Agile, and ISTM
  • describe the circumstances and scenarios leading to the adoption of fail-fast systems
  • describe the DevOps principles of flow, feedback, and continuous learning and how they are used to derive DevOps behavior
  • describe the different phases involved in the DevOps process and the tools that can be used to facilitate DevOps processes and principles
  • describe the Lean software development process and recognize the use of Kanban and Scrum Agile implementation practices
  • describe the lifecycle of DevOps from the development and operational perspectives
  • describe the process of implementing continuous deployment with a focus on deployment strategies like blue/Green and Rolling Upgrade
  • describe the roles of prominent automation tools that can be used to design, deploy, and reuse environments in establishing DevOps culture
  • describe the technical principles that are adopted with the implementation of the DevOps culture
  • identify the reference architectures that provide templates of proven solutions, using a set of preferred methods and capabilities
  • identify the steps in implementing the Fail Fast principle
  • implement code coverage and automated testing using SonarQube and prominent testing tools
  • implement DevOps practices in the cloud using CodeCommit and CodeDeploy
  • install and set up Jenkins to build DevOps pipelines
  • integrate build and testing tools in DevOps pipeline
  • list the essential principles driving the Agile manifesto and describe Agile fail fast
  • list the prominent tools that can be used to configure automated deployment, along with their associated features
  • list the prominent tools that can be used to monitor DevOps processes, along with their associated features
  • list the steps involved in implementing continuous integration workflow and the risks that can be mitigated using continuous integration
  • list the tools that are frequently used to facilitate collaboration and encourage team-oriented process management
  • list tools that can be used to manage software releases, from the development stage to the actual software release
  • recall the benefits associated with the implementation of continuous monitoring and reporting
  • recall the benefits of adopting DevOps in the cloud and recognize the DevOps tools provided by AWS and Azure
  • recall the best practices for implementing continuous testing along with the importance of continuous testing in DevOps
  • recall the design thinking approaches that can be applied to compliment DevOps design practices
  • recall the end-to-end development and testing process of DevOps that are adapted for the cloud
  • recall the essential features afforded by Docker for container management and prominent Docker components
  • recall the prominent configuration management tools, along with their associated features
  • recall the prominent tools that are widely used to implement DevOps pipelines
  • recall the prominent tools that can be used to automate testing, along with their associated features
  • recognize software development techniques that can be used to build software to fail fast
  • recognize the benefits of adopting a container-based deployment approach as compared to a VM-based approach
  • recognize the benefits of implementing continuous monitoring in DevOps pipelines
  • recognize the configuration management and orchestration capabilities provided by Puppet and Chef
  • recognize the essential terminology and DevOps adoption techniques
  • recognize the implementation of the fail-fast principle from the perspective of test-driven development and continuous integration
  • recognize the key DevOps terms, which serve as a foundation for adopting the DevOps culture
  • recognize the need for DevOps cultural transformation for productive team collaboration
  • recognize the need for source code management and list the essential features afforded by popular source code management tools
  • recognize the problems associated with traditional project management methodologies and approaches that can be managed by adopting the DevOps culture
  • recognize the process of initiating DevOps transformation with a focus on Greenfield and Brownfield DevOps projects
  • recognize the prominent tools that can be used to set up the container environment
  • recognize the steps involved in the DevOps and Agile DevOps implementation processes with the roadmap for DevOps developers
  • recognize the tool selection criteria that can help select the right tools to build the DevOps implementation stack
  • set up DevOps tools to facilitate the practices of DevOps culture
  • set up the Bitbucket environment for collaboration and code management
  • share GIT repositories
  • specify the best practices and patterns for implementing continuous integration
  • specify the critical benefits afforded by the adoption of the DevOps principles
  • work with JFrog Artifactory to facilitate artifact management
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level