Final Exam: DevOps Lead

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Final Exam: DevOps Lead will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the DevOps Lead track of the Skillsoft Aspire Enterprise Developer to DevOps Engineer Journey.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Final Exam: DevOps Lead

  • add Azure DevOps extension for the Azure Command-line interface to implement Azure DevOps Services from the Command-line
  • automate deployment using deployment workflows and describe the benefits of automated deployment
  • compare the traditional virtualization with container architecture and list the benefits of adopting containerization in DevOps workflows
  • configure JFrog Artifact repository to store sharable artifact with the DevOps team and enhance the collaborative development and delivery mechanism and pipelines
  • connect containers across hosts using Ambassadors
  • create and configure Minikube clusters and set up the Minikube environment to communicate with the Docker daemon
  • define the concept of Continuous Testing and compare Continuous Testing and Test Automation
  • define the concept of Unit Testing along with the essential elements and tools that we can use to implement unit testing for programs
  • demonstrate the steps involved in deploying Cloud functions from Cloud Source Repositories
  • describe CI/CD and its role in implementing DevOps to produce well-tested software
  • describe deployment pipelines and how they help implement continuous delivery
  • describe DevOps test automation workflows and the DevOps testing strategy
  • describe practices that help organizations adopt the CAMS principle for DevOps automation
  • describe the activities required to configure Docker for development
  • describe the automation benefits of DevOps principles
  • describe the Chaos Engineering principle that can help identify weaknesses in information systems and recall the guiding principles of Chaos Engineering that can impact DevOps adoption
  • describe the concept of Blue Ocean and differentiate between Red and Blue Ocean strategies
  • describe the DevOps capabilities afforded by Google Cloud Platform to adopt CI/CD process of the automated application lifecycle
  • describe the features and benefits of CodeStar development workflow that we can use to quickly develop, build, and deploy applications on AWS
  • describe the features and components of Azure DevOps that can help support teams to plan work, collaborate on code development, build and deploy applications
  • describe the role of CloudTrail in enabling governance, compliance, operational and risk auditing of AWS accounts used for automated deployments
  • describe tools that can be used to automate builds and their benefits
  • differentiate between CI and CD based on their roles in delivering software to production
  • identify delivery models and describe the benefits of adopting modern delivery models and application delivery platforms
  • identify the key elements that drives the implementation of DevOps culture in the enterprise
  • identify the significance of adopting the Single Source Repository pattern and list the prominent tools and methods that we can use to implement collaboratives artifact sharing
  • implement CI/CD pipelines using GitLab to illustrate the build, test, and deploy stages
  • implement comprehensive Docker container network solutions using Weave
  • implement networking in Docker using network drivers to setup container networking
  • implement tunnels to network containers that are present on multiple hosts using Docker
  • install and configure Sonotype Nexus to set up a repository for artifact management
  • install AWS CLI and Powershell to access AWS and Azure resources
  • list the disadvantages of Late Testing and recognize the concept of Shift Left Testing along with the different types of Shift Left Testing that we can implement
  • list the essential performance testing components along with the prominent types of Performance Testing that we can perform to test the performances of deployed applications
  • list the pillars of continuous integration, the phases involved in the implementation of continuous integration, and best practices
  • list the prominent AWS components that play important roles in setting up DevOps pipelines to build, test and deploy applications
  • list the prominent Azure components that play important roles in setting up DevOps pipelines to build, test and deploy applications
  • list the steps involved in performing System testing along with the approaches for System testing
  • list the steps of involved in implementing DevOps, including the practices and technologies that are used for each step
  • monitor and audit AWS resources using OpsWorks, System Manager, CloudWatch, Cloud Trail and Xray
  • recall essential commands that are used in Dockerfile to support the build and run phases of managing images
  • recall the benefits of implementing automation testing along with the key benefits of utilizing test automation in CI/CD pipelines
  • recall the benefits of using Google Cloud Platform for Configuration management and list the tools provided by Google Cloud Platform for Configuration management
  • recall the challenges of transforming traditional approaches to DevOps along with the key guidelines and rules that we can adopt when transforming to DevOps
  • recall the collaborative benefits afforded by DevOps principles and Cloud computing for implementing Enterprise-grade applications
  • recall the mechanism of automating cloud deployments using CodeBuild and CodePipeline specifying the roles of ECR, ECS, and containers
  • recognize the best practices and guidelines that we need to follow when implementing and maintaining CI/CD systems to serve organizations' project goals and requirements best
  • recognize the challenges associated with Agile environment along with the approaches that we adopt in testing DevOps artifacts
  • recognize the concept and differences between Unit Testing, BDD and TDD development approaches
  • recognize the DevOps tasks that can help you adopt fundamental principles of implementing DevOps automation
  • recognize the DevOps workflow illustrating the cloud components that help build robust delivery pipelines
  • recognize the features of tools used for Docker orchestration, clustering, and management
  • recognize the need for Load Testing and list the prominent tools that we can use to test application loads and collect essential application metrics
  • recognize the need for User Acceptance Testing along with the processes that can be adopted to conduct User Acceptance Testing
  • run local registries and push and store images to local registries
  • set up deployment pipelines using BitBucket to gain visibility into the production readiness of applications
  • set up project, team, and GitHub to select appropriate processes and Agile process workflows using Azure Board
  • use Compose to deploy applications on Minikube
  • work with Code Build to build workflows for building, testing and deploying applications
  • work with Docker commands to manage containers, associate containers with IPs, and link containers in Docker using the self-discovery approach
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level