The Redis In-memory Data Store: Working With Redis Clients

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Once the primary functions of Redis are implemented, several advanced features can optimize processes further and enable you to work with Python apps. In this course, you'll explore some of these advanced features and how they apply to pipelines, transactions, and locks. You'll learn how to work with these features using both the Redis CLI and Python clients. You'll start by learning how to use both Pub/Sub and pipelines in a Python app with a Redis client. You'll then learn how to define and execute transactions in Redis and use the watch feature.

You'll move on to learn how to apply optimizations using features and techniques, such as the pipe mode feature and server-assisted client-side caching. Finally, you'll learn how to use Redis keys and locks to synchronize access to shared Redis resources.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

The Redis In-memory Data Store: Working With Redis Clients

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • use the redis-py package to connect to a Redis server from a Python app
  • use Pub/Sub in a Python app to subscribe to a messaging channel and retrieve messages
  • adopt pipelines in a Python app to send batches of Redis commands to a Redis server
  • illustrate the steps involved in defining and executing transactions in Redis
  • apply the watch feature to monitor keys for changes in Redis while executing a transaction
  • optimize mass insert operations in Redis by using the pipe mode feature of the Redis CLI
  • illustrate the processes of client tracking and server-assisted client-side caching in Redis
  • apply the broadcast mode for client tracking in order to reduce memory use at the Redis server
  • synchronize access to a shared Redis resource by using Redis keys to implement a lock
  • use the built-in lock available in the python-redis-lock package to ensure thread-safe access to a shared Redis resource
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level