Web Applications with Django: Introducing the Django Web Framework

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Django, an advanced Python web framework, allows quick development of secure and sustainable websites. In this course, you'll discover how Django web requests work, which will involve using HTTP protocols, formatting content as HTML pages, using web servers to process requests, and distinguishing between static and dynamic websites. Moving on, you'll identify the steps involved in creating websites, which include reusing HTML elements over multiple pages on a website, customizing user experience by maintaining sessions, and querying databases for content. Next, you'll explore the features provided by web frameworks, particularly Django, that support and greatly simplify all these operations. You'll also investigate the use of Django templates. Finally, you'll become familiar with the migration process within Django and the use of the Django Model class to create subclasses that map to tables in a relational database.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Web Applications with Django: Introducing the Django Web Framework

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recall the individual steps involved in sending a web request to the server and receiving a response
  • identify the importance of web frameworks in the fast development and prototyping of web applications
  • recognize the building blocks that Django provides to develop web applications
  • identify important Django components that receive and process user requests
  • list the use cases of Django templates, such as to create views, and identify their role in an application
  • outline the role of models in allowing programmatic manipulation of database tables
  • classify the purpose of the various built-in applications in Django
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level