Web Applications with Django: Using Built-in and Custom Applications

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

The Django web framework simplifies creating websites and REST APIs through a wide variety of built-in features. In this course, you'll learn how to use some of these built-in features to create websites and apps. You'll start by installing the Django web framework inside a virtual environment. You'll then explore Django's out-of-the-box features, including the project structure, the shell, and the built-in admin app. Next, you'll build a Hello World website using a custom Django app. This process includes defining a URL that maps to a view, which then returns an HTTP response that can be viewed from a browser. Moving on, you'll explore the use of Django templates, which includes the use of base and derived templates. Finally, you'll work with the built-in admin app, examining how to administer users and groups and assign permissions.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Web Applications with Django: Using Built-in and Custom Applications

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • create a virtual Python environment and install Django in that environment
  • generate a new Django project and explore the built-in Django admin app
  • link Django to a SQLite database and perform migrations to that database
  • define a view and a URL pattern in Django in order to render text in a web page
  • generate a new app within a Django project and test out that app
  • define a view which renders an HTML file in its response
  • create and apply Django templates in a page in a web site
  • develop inherited Django templates for a website
  • create several child Django templates which inherit from a parent template
  • develop and illustrate the use of Django URLs, views, and templates for a web site
  • create a superuser for your Django project and sign in to the Django user administration app
  • illustrate the use of staff and super users in the Django user administration app
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level