Web Applications with Django: Developing REST APIs

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Among Django's many out-of-the-box tools is the REST Framework package, which includes libraries to build APIs. In this course, you'll install and work with this package to allow users to access and submit data to your web application. You'll start by defining a simple model whose instances can be accessed and manipulated using REST APIs. To make this happen, you'll use the built-in Django ModelSerializer class. You'll then wire up your Django REST API to return a list of JSON values from your Django model whenever a GET request is sent. You'll also use the Django REST framework's built-in web UI and the curl command-line utility to send POST requests to submit data to the server and use it to create model instances. Moving on, you'll briefly examine the use of HEAD and OPTION requests before wrapping up with a short exploration of PUT and DELETE requests.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Web Applications with Django: Developing REST APIs

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • install the Django REST framework and create a Django model to serve API requests
  • create a REST API with a route that responds to GET requests
  • issue GET requests to your Django app and analyze the responses that are generated
  • develop an application so that a Django model instance is created for data sent through POST requests
  • use HEAD and OPTIONS requests and test the validation of POST requests
  • create a custom class that takes in an ID for a model instance and returns details of that instance
  • create a custom class which accepts data in a PUT request and uses it to update a resource
  • build an API to return images in response to a GET request
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level