Molten Framework: Building HTTP APIs

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

This course introduces you to a breadth of features available in the Molten framework to help you build HTTP APIs. You'll begin by creating a virtual environment, installing Molten and various other libraries such as Pytest to test out your Molten apps, and installing Gunicorn to serve your apps. You'll then move on to creating REST APIs using the Molten framework. You'll create a very basic REST API with only one route that maps to a function and the API to process an HTTP GET request. You'll also explore the use of a QueryParam object to handle query parameters passed in an HTTP request. You'll next test your Molten APIs using Pytest by writing some simple tests to ensure an HTTP 200 status code is returned when a correct request is sent to the server and an error code is returned with the response otherwise. You'll also learn how these tests can be executed and how to analyze their outputs. You'll learn about the processing of POST requests, how to ensure the validity of POST data using a Molten Schema instance, different ways to define a schema, and how to use a forward reference. You'll explore the built-in objects available in the Molten framework and how to pass in a plain Python dictionary containing settings for an app. Finally, you'll see how settings can be saved in an external JSON file and then imported into a Molten app and how to load settings defined within a TOML file.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Molten Framework: Building HTTP APIs

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • create a virtual environment from which Molten REST APIs can be run and install various libraries such as Molten, Pytest, and JQ
  • develop a basic Molten app with a single route that takes in a query parameter with a QueryParam instance and returns a value based on that parameter
  • build a Molten app that takes in URL parameters
  • define an integer URL parameter and verify your app's behavior when it comes to handling such data types and develop a Molten test with pytest
  • develop some basic tests to verify the behavior of your Molten application
  • use a Molten Schema instance to validate the POST data submitted to your app
  • submit JSON data in a POST request and verify that your schema definitions work correctly
  • use a forward reference to another schema within a schema definition
  • use the load_schema function to convert a Python dictionary to a schema object and use the is_schema function to check whether an object is a schema instance
  • use the dump_schema function to convert a schema object to a Python dictionary
  • define the settings for your app by loading a dictionary into the Molten SettingsComponent
  • load the settings defined in a JSON file in your file system into a Molten SettingsComponent instance
  • create a .TOML file that contains settings for a Molten app and read in that file using a TOMLSettingsComponent instance
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level