OpenCV: Introduction

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

A cross-platform library, OpenCV facilitates image processing and analysis. In this course, you'll discover fundamental concepts related to computer vision and the basic operations which can be performed on images using OpenCV. You'll begin by outlining how to read images from your file system into your Python source in the form of arrays and then save an image array into a local file. Next, you'll explore color images represented as a combination of blue, green, and red channels, how to convert color images to grayscale, and how grayscale images are defined. Finally, you'll perform basic operations on images by investigating how to combine two images using an add operation and make one of the added images more prominent than the other using a weighted addition. Conversely, you'll also perform a subtract operation using two images.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

OpenCV: Introduction

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • install OpenCV from a Jupyter notebook
  • load images into an OpenCV array from your local storage and also save an array into a local file
  • read a color image into your Python source as a grayscale image and view it using an interactive window
  • recognize the use of BGR and RGB color spaces in OpenCV and Pillow libraries
  • separate a color image into blue, green, and red channels
  • use the add and add weighted operations in OpenCV to combine two images
  • perform OpenCV's subtract operation between two images
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level