Information Security: Pen Testing

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Explore the key penetration (pen) testing concepts such as vulnerability assessment, types of pen testing, and threat actors, in this 14-video course. Discover why pen testing is needed and investigate tools used for pen testing. Key concepts covered in this course include pen testing, a set of tasks that are performed by ethical hackers against an organization, but in a legal way; steps performed during the pen testing process; and reasons why an organization needs to perform pen testing and distinguish between pen testing and vulnerability assessments. Next, you will compare the different types of pen testing and learn the weaknesses of pen testing; learn the various types of tools used in pen testing and the target selection for pen testing; and learn the types of assets in an organization; compare the types of risk responses that an organization may adapt. Finally, learners observe how to use the Metasploit framework in Kali Linux; and how to create an exploit by using MSFvenom.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Information Security: Pen Testing

  • introduce the key concepts of the course
  • list the steps performed during the pen testing process
  • specify the reasons an organization needs to perform pen testing
  • distinguish between pen testing and vulnerability assessments
  • compare different types of pen testing
  • list the weaknesses of pen testing
  • identify the various types of tools used in pen testing
  • describe the target selection for pen testing
  • identify the threat actors
  • describe the types of assets in an organization
  • compare the types of risk responses that an organization may adapt
  • use the Metasploit framework in Kali Linux
  • create an exploit using MSFvenom
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level