Tensorflow: Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level
Discover how to construct neural networks for sentiment analysis. How to generate word embeddings on training data and use pre-trained word vectors for sentiment analysis is also covered.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Tensorflow: Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks
Course Overview
install TensorFlow and work with Jupyter notebooks
demonstrate how to load and explore training data
identify how to pre-process data to feed into the neural network
create unique identifiers to represent individual words in the vocabulary
create a neural network for sentiment analysis
describe how to train the neural network for prediction
identify how to pre-process data to feed into the neural network with pre-trained word vectors
create a lookup table to map words to unique identifiers
specify training data sentences in the form of word identifiers
perform sentiment analysis using GloVe embeddings
recall how RNNs can be used for sentiment analysis
Course Number: it_sdaidt_06_enus
Expertise Level