Angular 6 Development: Reactive Programming

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Reactive programming can provide a powerful framework for creating web apps, although it does require thinking differently sometimes. In this course, you will explore RxJS and how to create Reactive apps with Angular 6. See how to migrate apps to RxJS in Angular 6, and how to create observables. Use RxJS6 pipeline operators, and create custom operators. Convert observables into promises. Handle errors on the observer side. Use custom logic or automatically resubscribe to observables. Find ways to combine multiple observables and buffer them. Finally, handle nested observables with FlatMap, and accumulate emitted values with the scan function.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Angular 6 Development: Reactive Programming

  • use the rxjs-compat library to help migrate from Angular 5 to Angular 6 with respect to RxJS
  • use RxJS 6 standalone creation methods to create observables
  • use pipeable operators in RxJS 6
  • create and use custom operators in RxJS 6
  • convert an observable to a Promise in RxJS 6
  • set up a subscriber to handle any errors on an observable stream
  • set up an observable stream using catch (RxJS5) or catchError (RxJS6) to be able to handle errors before subscribers receive them
  • use the pipeable operator retry to resubscribe to an observable that experienced an error
  • use the pipeable operator retryWhen to resubscribe to an observable that experienced an error based on business logic
  • combine multiple observables into one
  • transform an observable stream into another observable stream that bundles items emitted by the source observable before emitting
  • use the FlatMap operator to work with a source observable that itself emits observables
  • use the scan function to generate an aggregate value based on current and previously emitted items
  • create reactive apps with Angular and RxJS 6
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level