Angular 6 Development: Dependency Injection and ng-bootstrap

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Dependency Injection is at the core of how Angular operates and ng-bootstrap gives us many advanced components we can work with. In this course, you can discover how Angular 6 DI works and how to use some ng-bootstrap components. Study progressive web apps and Bootstap support in Angular 6. See how to use to Typehead, Datepicker, and Timepicker directives. Learn to create classes with and without dependency injection. Find ways to register service providers via @NgModule, @Component, @Injectable, an object literal, and aliases. Create a provider that is able to inject non-class values. Finally, as an exercise, you will work with the Angular Dependency Injection Framework.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Angular 6 Development: Dependency Injection and ng-bootstrap

  • create and deploy a PWA using Angular 6 Schematics
  • install support for working with Bootstrap components in an Angular 6 app via Schematics
  • use the ng-bootstrap Typeahead directive in order to provide auto completion suggestions to users
  • use the ng-bootstrap Datepicker directive to allow end users to choose dates
  • use the ng-bootstrap Timepicker directive to allow end users to set times
  • understand some of the potential issues that can be faced when classes create their own dependencies
  • understand how DI helps avoid certain issues with designing programs
  • create and register an Angular service and provider using the @Injectable decorator
  • create and register an Angular service and provider as part of an NgModule
  • create a component level service provider in Angular 6
  • use the provide object literal to register a service class provider
  • configure an injector and service provider to use an alias when providing a class dependency value
  • configure a service provider to provide a dependency value based on a factory function
  • create a provider that's able to inject non class values
  • work with Angular's Dependency Injection Framework
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level