Working with SSML and AVS
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level
Discover how to use SSML to provide markups and manage skills, and the use of Amazon Voice Service and its interfaces to synthesize and control a voice user interface.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Working with SSML and AVS
describe the essential SSML capabilities along with their usage scenarios
illustrate the typical document structure used with SSML markups
recall the various SSML tags along with their usages and implementations in Alexa Skill
describe the implementation of text interpretation using Say-as
list the various AVS capabilities along with their implementation scenarios
identify the various SDK components available for AVS and illustrate their implementation
describe the steps involved in setting up the AVS SDK on Windows
demonstrate the steps involved in implementing MediaPlayer
classify the various essential components of custom skills
identify the various features provided by the Smart Home Skills API that can be used to manage home services
launch an existing skill, write SSML with emphasis tags, and provision pauses between the tags
Course Number: it_sdbdsa_04_enus
Expertise Level