JavaScript Front-end Development: Errors, Events, Objects, & New Features

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

JavaScript has rich language features to help you deal with errors and events. This course explores the basics of events and error handling and also covers working with strings, numbers, dates and some new ECMAScript language features. You'll start by exploring techniques for JavaScript front end development. Next, you will discover events and event handlers, and perform error handling. Other topics of this course include the following: how to consider the fundamentals of strings; perform common string operations; create and use regular expressions; format numbers, and perform common operations, with the Number object; how to perform common calculations with the Math object; how to use the Date object; how to explore how to use the LET and CONST keywords, instead of VAR, when a variable is declared. As you progress, you will discover JavaScript's KeyedCollection, and use the Map and Set objects. Conclude by learning how to use hoisting, string padding, Async Functions, and Promises.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

JavaScript Front-end Development: Errors, Events, Objects, & New Features

  • use events and event handlers in JavaScript
  • perform error handling in JavaScript
  • work with strings in JavaScript
  • perform common string operations in JavaScript
  • create and use regular expressions in JavaScript
  • use the Number object to format numbers and perform common operations in JavaScript
  • use the Math object to perform common calculations in JavaScript
  • use the Date object in JavaScript
  • explore how to use the let and const keywords instead of var when declaring variables
  • demonstrate how to use the Map and Set objects
  • identify how async functions and promises work together
  • demonstrate how hoisting works in JavaScript
  • explore how to use string padding in JavaScript
  • create an application that demonstrates event handling in JavaScript
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level