Mitigating Security Risks: Managing Physical Security Risks

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Physical security is an important but potentially overlooked consideration when implementing network security. In this course, you'll explore what's meant by physical security, how you can implement physical security risk countermeasures, and what the motivations are for doing so. You'll start by defining physical security. You'll then investigate the critical decisions you must make when planning for physical security. Next, you'll delve into various types of physical security risks, such as tailgating, and the methods to handle these. Moving on, you'll outline the layers of security controls that can be added to increase physical security and recognize the challenges security personnel face in ensuring physical safety. Lastly, you'll study how the security principles examined in this course can be used in facility and site design, including internal and perimeter security controls.


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Mitigating Security Risks: Managing Physical Security Risks

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • list several physical security risks
  • describe what is meant by tailgating
  • describe physical security and its importance
  • outline the layers of physical security that can prevent a physical security risk
  • list the key physical security risk countermeasures
  • outline how security principles can be applied to the design of your facility and site
  • recognize how to implement security controls to tighten facility and site security
  • recognize how to implement internal and perimeter security controls
  • list various physical security standards
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level