SRE Simplicity: Simple Software Systems

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


When creating a simple software system, it is essential to identify and remove any unwanted complexity, whether accidental or essential. By eliminating complexity, site reliability engineers can ensure the final software product is more stable and reliable. In this course, you'll learn to differentiate between agility and stability and explore the importance of stability testing. You'll learn about key metrics and methods, such as production analysis and agile process metrics, which can be used by software development teams to ensure business goals are met. Lastly, you'll learn how to avoid introducing potential defects and bugs by limiting the number of negative lines of code in a project.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

SRE Simplicity: Simple Software Systems

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • outline software development stability and how it relates to SREs
  • outline software development agility and how it relates to SREs
  • describe stability testing and why it's performed
  • differentiate between agile metrics, such as lead-time, cycle time, team velocity, and open/close rates
  • contrast mean time between failures and mean time to recovery/repair
  • outline security metrics and how they relate to software quality
  • recognize how to formulate a value hypothesis
  • differentiate between essential complexity vs. accidental complexity and recognize how simple, "boring" software is ideal
  • describe source control systems and how to deal with engineers who do not want to share code
  • identify how APIs can lead to a path of simplicity
  • define the "negative lines of code" metric and describe why it is important
  • describe the modularity of APIs
  • differentiate between simple and complex releases
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level