Developing Azure and Web Services: Configuring Web Applications for Deployment
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level
Learn to configure web applications for production, release, and debug mode and explore securing applications using Key Vault and credentials along with package management using NuGet.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Developing Azure and Web Services: Configuring Web Applications for Deployment
illustrate how to switch from the Production or Release mode to the Debug mode
demonstrate how to transform configuration files
configure the Azure configuration settings
configure the Azure Key Vault for application secrets
demonstrate how to configure deployment credentials and the Azure App Service
create and configure a NuGet package
install and update existing NuGet packages
demonstrate how to resolve versioning conflict issues
connect to a local repository cache for NuGet
manage NuGet dependencies
Course Number: it_wddmaw_16_enus
Expertise Level